Data Analysis Tools
Pinnacle Health Informatics offers a wide array of products and services to support behavioral health and social service agencies.
We know that resources for data analysis and business intelligence vary widely from agency to agency. We also know that although providers may have great staff, at times, they lack efficient tools to produce better work.
Many agencies, have limited resources and may be making things work with one (or even less than one!) person in charge of their electronic health record and other information systems.
Because of this, we chose to make our products and services scalable and flexible. We’re ready to offer support at whatever level makes the most sense for you.
Learn More About Our Services Below
​Business Intelligence
Organizing data into lightning-quick dashboards.
​State Reporting Accelerator
Accurately and painlessly meeting regulatory requirements
Storing your data in a secure, easy-to-access environment.
Adding our expert knowledge and experience to your team.​
Learn what systems we work with.​